I am responding to each point written by blogger Colleen Mitchell in her post titled, “Why I Don’t Want to be Your White Ally.” This is the third part of a blog series I started in December. I hope you will join me on this journey of exploration.
Reason #5: I’m Afraid of what It Might Cost Me
We spend our time, talent, and treasure on things we feel are important to us; there is always a cost to these things. The question is whether understanding other’s experiences is important, and whether we want to be ready to be competent healthcare providers. More importantly, do we want to stand for what is right and just; what is true. There will always be a personal cost for that which is important to us.
Reason #6: I’m afraid of my own sins and prejudices
I truly understand; I’ve been there too. The truth is we all have our prejudices; we’ve all acted in ways we regret. What we are called to do is acknowledge them; understand their origin; and recognize how destructive they can be to our lives and others with whom we work and serve, and to our communities. Introspection and reflection take courage; it calls us to be brutally honest with ourselves to see why these destructive ideas do not belong with us if we are called to truth and compassion for others. It is a journey; anytime is the right time to start.