Janine Benner, MA, CCC-SLP

Assistant Professor, Assistant Clinical Coordinator

Professor Benner teaches undergraduate courses in autism spectrum disorders, language disorders in children, a graduate course in Issues in Public School Speech Pathology, and an SLPD course in Neurodiversity.  Her main area of interest, study and focus is in autism spectrum disorders and early intervention.  She supervises graduate students in the off-campus university Autism and Early Intervention Clinics.  Professor Benner provides training workshops on autism related topics internationally, as well as for local school districts, special education departments and online continuing education platforms.  Professor Benner created and leads an online Autism Parent Support Group called Your Village where she and LLUH faculty, staff and community rehabilitation professionals focus on connecting and supporting families, celebrating differences and unique strengths of the autism community and building resilience in families through a network of support, education and resources. 

Professor Benner is passionate about service to both local and global communities.  She has been actively involved in developing and leading mission/service-learning trips within the department and the university since 2013. Over 120 CSD students have participated in clinical and general mission service in locations such as Brazil, Cuba, Peru, China and Mexico.  Current clinical service projects are taking place in several sites in Baja Mexico.  Professor Benner and her colleague Dr. Brian Sharp continue to lead and provide tele-service trips and clinical consultations with colleagues in several hospital sites in China.  


  • BA Degree Communicative Disorders, California State University Long Beach
  • MA Degree Communicative Disorders, California State University Long Beach

Professional Certificates

  • 1992 - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, #12113895
  • 1992 - License in Speech Pathology, State of California, #8586


  • Approaches to Comprehensive and Strength Based Assessments in Young Autistic Learners - SpeechtherapyPD, August 17, 2022
  • Increasing Engagement and Prelinguistic Skills Through a Play Based Approach- SpeechTherapyPD, May 15, 2022
  • May 2022 Increasing Engagement and Prelinguistic Skills Through Play Based Approach, online continuing education course for 2022 Autism Conference through SpeechtherapyPD.com
  • September 2021  Seminar in Autism Spectrum Disorders Loma Linda University   Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; presented to first year graduate students as fulfillment of graduate portfolio class
  • October 2021 Managing Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Tele Rehabilitation Conference, sponsored by Zhejiang University Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH), Hangzhou China            
  • September 2021 Seminar in Autism Spectrum Disorders Loma Linda University   Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Online and presented to first year graduate students as fulfillment of graduate portfolio class. 
  • July 2020 Assessment of Language Disorders in Children Tele-Conference Zhejiang University Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH), Hangzhou China 
  • July 2020 Assessment and Treatment Planning; Phonology and Speech Sound Disorders Tele-conference, Zhejiang University Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH), Hangzhou China     
  • August 2020  Sensory Processing Differences; Assessment and Treatment, Tele-conference, Zhejiang University Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH), Hangzhou China
  • March 2020  Assessment Across the Spectrum; Desert Sands Unified School District; Staff SLPs training  
  • Aug 2019  A Review of Therapy Approaches and Principles for ASD; Rehabilitation Conference Zhejiang University Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH), Hangzhou China     
  • September 2019   A review of Therapy Approaches and Principles for ASD; Hangzhou Yanglinzi School Hangzhou, China     
  • September 2019   A review of Therapy Approaches and Principles for ASD;  Wenling Women and Children’s Hospital , Wenling  China     
  • September 2019  Seminar in Autism Spectrum Disorders Loma Linda University   Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; presented to first year graduate students as fulfillment  of graduate portfolio class
  • January 2019 - Increasing Engagement and Communication with Children with ASD Desert Sands Unified School District   
  • February 2019 - The SLP’s Role in Helping Parents Through Grieving: Acute Hospital Care Through Long Term Disability; Loma Linda University, Janine Benner, Abigail Namsang.
  • August 2018 - Screening and early identification of ASD in infants and toddlers –  Zhejiang University Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH) Hangzhou China
  • August 2018 - Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders in toddlers and preschoolers - Zhejiang University Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH) Hangzhou China
  • August 2018 - Speech Therapy Approaches for Autism Spectrum Disorders - Zhejiang University Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH) Hangzhou China
  • August 2018 - Parenting and Teaching Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Zhejiang University Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH) Behavioral Department - Janine Benner, M.A.,CCC-SLP
  • August 2018 - Managing behaviors in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders – Rehabilitation Conference Zhejiang University Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH    
  • October 2018 - Seminar in Autism Spectrum Disorders Loma Linda University Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Presented to first year graduate students as fulfillment of graduate portfolio class. 
  • August 2017 - Screening and early identification of ASD in infants and toddlers – Yongkang Women and Children’s Hospital , Yongkang China
  • October 2017 - Seminar in Autism Spectrum Disorders;  Loma Linda University Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Presented to first year graduate students as fulfillment of graduate portfolio class. 
  • December 2017 - Preschool Assessment with Children with ASD, Redlands Unified School District Speech Language  Pathology staff
  • April 2017 - Increasing Engagement and Communication in Individuals with Autism ; presentation to staff at Precious Hearts Academy, San Bernardino
  • May 2017 - Increasing Engagement and Communication with Children with ASD , Desert Sands Unified School District   preschool SDC and SLP staff
  • August 2016 - Parenting and Teaching Children with ASD , Zhejiang University  Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH)  Parent training class
  • August 2016 - A Review of Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Etiology, Risk factors and Symptoms;  Zhejiang University  Medical School Children’s Hospital (ZUCH) 
  • November 2016 - ASHA Poster session; Global Service Learning and Interdisciplinary Education - Loma Linda University Communication Sciences and Disorders Department China Missions Project, Janine Benner and, Terry Douglas


  • Chair of CSD recruitment committee
  • Committee member of the School of Allied Health Professions Mission Service Programs

Mission Service and Outreach Projects

  • SAHP Mission Trip Baja Mexico April 2022,October and December 2021- Trip leader, coordinated clinical service trip to clinic location in Ensenada– supervised and mentored CMSD students and provided clinical services to children with a variety of disabilities.
  • CMSD China Mission Virtual Project– September 2020 and 2021, Trip Leader– Coordinated virtual platform and schedule for one week, supervised and mentored students , faculty, coordinated tele-sessions, provided clinical training and consultations, held de-brief sessions with CMSD group.
  • June 2019:  Siloe Clinic School of Allied Health Professions Interdisciplinary Project:Trip leader; mentor, train and supervise students volunteering for the trip, provide assessment and treatment of children and adult patients with a variety of speech, language, and swallowing  disorders, design home programs and follow up care. 
  • SAHP Mission Trip Baja Mexico Dec 2019, e-Trip leader- Coordinated clinical service trip to Siloe clinic with Other SAHP departments – supervised 8 CMSD students and provided clinical services to a variety of adults and children.
  • SAHP Mission Trip Baja Mexico June 28-30 , 2018 - Trip leader Coordinated clinical service trip with Other SAHP departments – supervised and mentored 3 CMSD students
  • SIMS Mission Trip Brazil Spring Break 2018 – Trip leader – Participated in service opportunities in local amazon communities in Brazil with the SIMS team and ADRA.
  • 2013 - 2019 : CSD China Mission Project: Trip leader and coordinator; Mentored, trained and supervised graduate students selected for each trip, provided lectures/teaching, training, and clinical collaboration to clinical staff and interdisciplinary teams in several hospitals in two cities in China.