Events for Saturday, April 23

  • Church Services
  • Reunion Lunch (Information below)
  • 50th GALA (Information below)

Sabbath School & Church Worship Services
Loma Linda University Church, 11125 Campus St., Loma Linda, 92354
9:00 a.m. – First Service (Church at Worship)

First Service:  9:00 am Traditional Service
Second Service:  10:25 a.m. – Re:Live Contemporary Worship Experience
Third Service:  11:45 a.m. –Church at Worship

Randall Amphitheater
10:30 a.m. – Adult Sabbath School  (featuring Physical Therapy Department)

Vespers Service  5:00 p.m. (Updated time)

*No Registration or RSVP required for Church Activities

Reunion Lunch with the President & SAHP Dean
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Linda Hall, Campus Hill Church 11057 Hill Drive (Updated Location)

Join us for lunch and a short program of updates about the School of Allied Health Professions from Dean Jackson, the latest from President, Dr. Richard Hart, and then meet with your department and classmates to catch up!

CLASS REUNIONS – Have a class reunion during Homecoming weekend! Reserve a table at the Reunion Lunch and at the GALA on Saturday evening. If you would like to get in touch with your classmates to start planning a reunion, contact Melisa Aree at 909-558-7840 or

Vespers at Loma Linda University Church
University Church Vespers
6:00 pm

Loma Linda University Church, 11125 Campus St., Loma Linda, 92354

50th Anniversary Homecoming GALA
7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Conference Center, Centennial Complex  (Updated Location)

Enjoy an evening of dining with harmony and hilarity by the Stratton Half Brothers! Support student scholarships for current students by bidding on a vast array of silent auction items. Come dressed in your best and get ready for our black and gold celebration.

All Alumni receive one complimentary ticket

                 | $50 per ticket

   GALA Registration