In order to achieve career entry competency, students in the phlebotomy program should have the ability to perform the following essential functions:

Cognitive learning skills

The student must demonstrate the ability to:

  • Receive, interpret, remember, reproduce, and use information in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of learning to solve problems and evaluate work.
  • Process and categorize information set forth in course objectives.
  • Receive, interpret, remember, reproduce, and use information in order to achieve satisfactory performance in this course.
  • Integrate and relate data generated in several clinical settings.

Psychomotor skills

The student must demonstrate the following skills:

Locomotion ability to:

  • Arrive to course locations and move within rooms and laboratories.
  • Arrive to applicable clinical locations and maneuver in the facility to accomplish assigned tasks.
  • Monitor and maintain equipment and to perform phlebotomy on patients confined to hospital beds.

Possess strength adequate to perform the above functions, without compromising patient safety or employee safety.

Small motor/hand skills: Perform procedures requiring fine motor control and manual dexterity.


The student must be able to:

  • Maintain general good health and self-care in order to not jeopardize the health and safety of self and individuals with whom one interacts in the academic and applicable clinical settings.
  • Arrange transportation and living accommodations to foster timely reporting to the classroom and clinical assignments.


The student must be able to:

  • Receive and interpret written communication in both academic and clinical settings.
  • Communicate quickly, effectively and efficiently in oral and written English with all members of the academic and applicable clinical settings.
  • Effectively communicate information and safety concerns with other students, teachers, staff, applicable clinical personnel, and patients.

Affective learning skills

The student must be able to:

  • Demonstrate respect to all people, including students, teachers, patients, and medical personnel, without showing bias or preference on the grounds of age, race, gender, sexual preference, disease, mental status, lifestyle, opinions, or personal values.
  • Demonstrate appropriate affective behaviors and mental attitudes in order not to jeopardize the emotional, physical, mental, and behavioral safety of clients and other individuals with whom one interacts in the academic and applicable clinical settings.
  • Sustain the mental and emotional rigors of a demanding educational program in phlebotomy, which includes didactic, laboratory, and clinical settings that occur within set time constraints and often concurrently.
  • Acknowledge and respect individual values and opinions in order to foster harmonious working relationships with colleagues, peers, and patients.