Bachelors of Science in Speech-Language Pathology

The Bachelor of Science degree begins with the Autumn Quarter of the junior year.  The freshman and sophomore years are taken at an accredited college or university other than Loma Linda University.  The emphasis at LLU is on professional courses and practical experience.

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science degree, students are prepared to seek admission to a graduate program in Communication Sciences and Disorders or related disciplines.  Students are encouraged to take CMSD 267 Fieldwork during their senior year. This will allow them to be licensed and work as a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA) in the state of California

The LLU undergraduate program is specifically designed to prepare students for further study at the graduate level. Most students continue their education in a Master's program in Speech-Language Pathology or Communication Sciences and Disorders. Other students complete graduate studies in audiology or in a related field of study. The master’s degree is required for entry into the profession as a certified Speech-Language Pathologist.


One of our unique strengths is our faculty. We have nine faculty members who teach a class of 20-25 students. Our faculty have diverse backgrounds and expertise covering all of the area specific aspects of speech language disorders. Our faculty is known for their passion for our students and the field of Communication Disorders.
Our clinic involvement and participation in the senior year is another unique quality to our program. Clinics provide the fieldwork hours needed for you to work as a Speech Language Pathologist Assistant (SLPA). You can begin working as an SLPA as soon as you have completed your BS degree.

Degree Requirements

Degree requirements for the BS include completion of:

  • The general education requirements.
  • The Communication Sciences and Disorders program of instruction.
  • Sufficient electives to meet the 192 quarter units required for graduation.
Program of Instruction

Junior Year

  • CMSD 284 Intro to Speech‐Language Pathology and Audiology (3)
  • CMSD 314 Language Science (4)
  • CMSD 318 Transcription Phonetics (3)
  • CMSD 324 Language Disorders of Children (4)
  • CMSD 334 Speech Sound Disorders in children 4)
  • CMSD 376 Anatomy of Speech and Hearing Mechanism (4)
  • CMSD 388 Communication Across the Lifespan (4)
  • CMSD 436 Speech & Hearing Science
  • CMSD 446 Instruction in American English Dialects (2)
  • CMSD 454 Introduction to Audiology (4)
  • CMSD 485 Clinical Methods in Speech‐Language Pathology (4)
  • CMSD 486 Diagnostic Methods in Speech‐Language Pathology (4)

Senior Year

  • CMSD 217 Beginning Sign Language (3)
  • CMSD 267 Speech Language Pathology Assistant Fieldwork
  • CMSD 424 Adult Language Pathology (4)
  • CMSD 426 Behavior Management Applications with Special Populations (4)
  • CMSD 448 Disorders of Fluency (3)
  • CMSD 449 Voice Disorders (3)
  • CMSD 464 Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation (4)
  • CMSD 467 Speech‐Language Pathology and Audiology Practicum (1‐4)
  • CMSD 477 Bilingualism & Biculturalism (2)
  • CMSD 488 Autism Spectrum Disorders (4)

Required Cognates

  • AHCJ 305 Infectious Diseases and the Healthcare Provider (1)
  • AHCJ 328 Wholeness Portfolio I (1)*
  • AHCJ 471 Statistics and Research for the Health Professionals I (3)
  • AHCJ 472 Statistics and Research for the Health Professionals II(3)
  • AHCJ 498 Wholeness Portfolio II(1)*
  • PSYC 460 The Exceptional Individual(3)
  • Religion (8)

To count toward graduation, a minimum grade of C (2.0) is required for all courses. * Undergraduate students in the School of Allied Health Professions are required to develop a portfolio during the junior and senior years. Students register for Wholeness Portfolio I during the junior year and Wholeness Portfolio II during the senior year. The purpose of the portfolio is to allow students to demonstrate their work towards achieving the goals set forth by the University. These goals were developed to aid the student in achieving personal and professional balance in the spiritual, intellectual, social/emotional, and physical domains. The outcome is a notebook containing examples of how the student has addressed the goals. This can include assignments from classes. Professors will include an icon in their syllabi to indicate coursework that meets portfolio requirements. Diana Richie is the undergraduate program advisor for the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

A student must take any CLEP test within one quarter of getting his/her degree compliance report or the student will need to take the course.

Clinical Experience

Supervised clinical practicum is recommended, but not required in the Bachelor of Science program. Completion of specific courses precedes placement for practicum. Clinical Practicum is available for students who have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or above in the major courses.

Bachelor of Science Prerequisites


Domain 1: Spiritual Life & Wholeness (min. of 8 quarter units)

Religion: Must complete an average of 4 quarter units of religion for each year of residence at Loma Linda University. All required religion must be taken at Loma Linda University.

Domain 2: Arts & Humanities (min. of 16 quarter/11 semester units)

Select courses from at least 3 of the following content areas: Civilization/history, art, literature, modern language, philosophy, religion, or general humanities elective. If a student takes Religion courses from other institutions, it will be counted in this domain.


Domain 3: Scientific Inquiry & Quantitative Reasoning (min. of 12 quarter/8 semester units)

Natural Sciences. At least one natural science course must include a lab component.

  • One biological science required (Human Anatomy and/or Physiology, General Biology, Microbiology, and Life Science are examples of biological sciences)
  • One physical science (Physics or Chemistry required)
  • Mathematics requirement: one General or Intro to Statistics course
Domain 4: Social Sciences (min. of 12 quarter/8 semester units)

Select courses from two of the following content areas:

Anthropology, economics, geography, political sciences, psychology, and sociology. Includes one course (or components integrated into several courses) in human (cultural) diversity.

Domain 5: Written & Oral Communication (9-13 quarter/ 6-9 semester units)
  • English.  Course work must include a complete sequence in English composition that meets the baccalaureate degree requirements of a four-year college or university. 
  • Additional courses: May include information systems, critical thinking, and public speaking.
Domain 6: Health & Wellness  (2 to 6 quarter/1.5 to 4 semester units)
  • HEALTH OR NUTRITION: May include personal health, personal nutrition, population health, global health, community nutrition, etc. One course required.
  • PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: must include at least two separate physical activity courses totaling a minimum of 1 quarter unit or have military discharge papers (DD214).
Domain 7: Electives: All other transferable coursework
  • ELECTIVES to meet a minimum total of 96 quarter or 64 semester units.

PLEASE NOTE: “C minus” grades are not transferable for credit


Admissions Requirements and Information

  • 96 quarter units or 64 semester units in general education  
  • Provide official transcripts from an accredited institution
  • Literate personal statement (part of the online application)
  • Three letters of recommendation, preferably academic. (part of the online application)
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 

For more Admissions information please visit our Admissions page

Program Learning Outcomes

By the end of the program, graduates should be able to:

  • Articulate characteristics of typical human speech, language, hearing, communication, and swallowing processes; including their biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural bases;
  • Articulate characteristics of atypical human speech, language, hearing, communication, and swallowing; including etiological, biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates;
  • Implement knowledge of basic clinical processes for the remediation of human speech, language, hearing, swallowing, and communication disorders and differences;
  • Incorporate cultural responsiveness to diversity (e.g., linguistic, neurological, economic, age, sexual, gender, ability, racial) within academic and/or professional environments;
  • Use logical reasoning skills to evaluate, research and solve problems in communication sciences and disorders;
  • Incorporate basic components of professional ethics when treating, counseling, advocating for, and documenting care for clients.

Clinical Experience:

Supervised clinical practicum is recommended, but not required in the Bachelor of Science Program.  Completion of specific courses precedes placement in practicum.  Clinical practicum is available to students who have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or above.

Application Procedure

  1. Apply online at
  2. Applications are accepted October 1st- June 1st.
  3. Complete official transcripts of all academic records from colleges, universities, and professional and/or technical schools must be provided. It is the applicant's responsibility to have paper transcripts sent directly to:

    Loma Linda University
    Admissions Processing
    11139 Anderson St
    Loma Linda CA 92350

    Electronic transcripts can be officially sent to LLU in the following ways. Check with your prior school to find out if they are set up to use any of these methods. Send secure PDFs to (see below for security requirements for PDFs). Please note: LLU cannot accept PDF transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse transcript service. If your prior school uses this service for PDF transcripts, please instead have an official paper copy sent to LLU.

    • EDI - school code 001218, qual 22, through the SPEEDE Server (info)
    • PDF with security components (e.g. multi-steps to access, login registration, password, watermark, etc) and without restrictions on printing and/or saving/archiving. PDF transcripts must be issued directly to Examples of accepted PDF transcripts include those sent through Parchment Exchange, Scrip-Safe, Credentials Solutions, and JST (Joint Services Transcript, for US Military credit).
      • PDF transcripts that cannot be accepted as official:
        • Those containing PDF security that restricts printing, number/time of access, saving, etc.
        • PDF transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse transcript request service. (Instead request an official paper transcript or an electronic transcript in another accepted format.)
        • Transcripts emailed as attachments (PDF or other formats).
  4. Applications are reviewed by the departmental faculty as they are received. The applicant's request for admission will not be reviewed until the applicant's file contains the necessary documents. The program faculty evaluates the application and makes its recommendation to the School of Allied Health Professions Admissions Committee. Admissions remain open until the class is full.

University Catalog

The current school year catalog, along with previous years' catalogs are available online here.

Our Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan was developed by the faculty to address long term goals for all of the programs housed within the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. It is our action plan for implementing the department’s Mission, Purpose and Vision.

View our Strategic Plan