CLS C/o 2024

Graduation/Attrition Rates

Period For students who graduated between
For students who graduated between
For students who graduated between
# of students who began the final half of the program 21 21 21
# of students who began the final half of the program during the given time period and have since graduated 21 21 21
Yearly Graduation Rate Percentage 100% 100% 100%
3 Year Average Graduation Rate Percentage 100%

Pass Rates for ASCP Board of Certification Exam

  For students who graduated between
For students who graduated between
For students who graduated between
# of graduates who sat for the exam within the first year of graduation 21 21 21
# of graduates who passed the exam within the first year of graduation 21 20 21
Yearly Certification Pass Rate 100% 95% 100%
3 Year Average Certification Pass Rate Percentage 98%

Placement Rates

Period For students who graduated between
For students who graduated between
For students who graduated between
# who found employment (in the field or in a closely related field) and/or continued their education within one year of graduation 18 15 7
# who did neither of the above - - -
# of graduates for which information is unavailable 3 6 14
Yearly Average Placement Rate Percentage 100% 100% 100%
3 Year Average Placement Rate Percentage 100%